


Mobile :86-15198293575


Address:Building d8-1, science and Technology Park, electronic science and Technology University, No.1, Shuangxing Avenue, Shuangliu District, Chengdu

IVOT Transmiiter and Receiver
  • Product name:iVOT300-16V cascade receiver

    Product intro: 16ch One-way Video + Data/ Audio/ Phone/ Interphone/ Ethernet Digital Video Optical Cascade Receiver//stand-alone

    iVOT300-16V cascade receiver

  • Product name:iVOT300-10V cascade receiver

    Product intro: 10ch One-way Video + Data/ Audio/ Phone/ Interphone/ Ethernet Digital Video Optical Cascade Receiver//stand-alone

    iVOT300-10V cascade receiver

  • Product name:iVOT300-4V cascade transmitter

    Product intro: 4ch One-way Video + Data/ Audio/ Phone/ Interphone/ Ethernet Cascade Digital Video Optical Transmitter//stand-alone

    iVOT300-4V cascade transmitter

  • Product name:iVOT300-16V-multi-service

    Product intro: 16ch one-way Video+ Data/ Audio/Phone/ Interphone/ Ethernet Digital Video Optical Transceiver//stand-alone


  • Product name:iVOT300-8V-multi-service

    Product intro: 8ch one-way Video+ Data/ Audio/Phone/ Interphone/ Ethernet Digital Video Optical Transceiver//stand-alone
